
It’s only the second day after exams and i’m already up late (it’s 3:30am now) doing FYP stuff.  The sad thing is, i’m not doing it at this hour because i’m in a rush, but because i can’t sleep and i don’t really feel like playing any of the games that are readily available in my collection at the moment.

It’s quite insane actually, considering that one of the first things that i wanted to do after the exams was to get my bioclock back in order.  Unfortunately, despite sleepy early last night and getting up earlier than usual this morning hasn’t done much for that, and instead after an hour plus of squash plus another movie on my laptop and a few hours of technical drawings, i’m tired but i can’t fall asleep.

And i have been having incessant cravings for the McDonald’s shaker fries.  Even after i’ve just had one pack.

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