Archive for August 22nd, 2006


Of Time

It seems a bit early, but i’m already experiencing the mid-sem syndrome…it’s the feeling that you have a lot to do but at the same time you don’t know what you have to do.  A piece of advice that i got regarding this situation is to list out everything i have to do, then get it done one by one.  Now this is great advice, but it really doesn’t help when one keeps thinking and thinking but cannot think of what there is to do – creating a list doesn’t help when you can’t remember anything 😀

So i try to fill up my time with things that are productive, exercise, reading, etc.

Of Life

Something happened recently that made me realise how important life is.  It’s made me want to grab every moment i can, not to waste a single second of it.  More significantly it’s made me look at others in a different light – never again will i take each life that passes me so lightly.  It makes me want to do things that count.

I just find it a bit sad that it takes such a drastic event to remind me about this.

Of Rest

No doubt all hostelites will agree with me on this, that rest is definitely a very valuable commodity to us.  Without rest, people become grumpy, minds don’t work, and impatient people like me become even more impatient.  But rest in the physical and rest in the spiritual is not the same thing – while one requires the material to recover, the other soothes the soul; neither can be done without.

I realise this is a rather random post, but i wanted to put these down in words before i forget them all.