Archive for the ‘Random’ Category

I took a swim today, and as i enjoyed the slow pace as i sailed through the water, though mildly annoyed at how much water skills and stamina i had lost as it really was a very slow pace.

At one point of time i stopped and realized that there was no one in the pool but me. I enjoyed the serenity for a while…and then i suddenly felt like all my dreams seemed so small.

I want to become a teacher. I want to share what i believe in, what i know to the next generation, touching each life one by one, and watching them eventually grow up.  But suddenly that seems so small.

I want to be physically fit, that i will never have to depend on another to carry me, but be able to carry others along.  Not just physically, but mentally and spiritually as well, so that i can be a lighthouse to people around me, and make it matter to one more life at a time.  But that too seemed so small.

I want to be financially secure, and make my wife and family happy, that they will never have to worry about where the next meal is coming from, or whether we will still have the house a year from now, or whether we have to forgo things that we would greatly enjoy.  I want to give back to the family that raised me and make my parents and my little bro happy (and he will always be little to me, despite his protests) with what i can.  But that seemed even smaller.

And as i kicked off from the wall again, i realized i was like my many dreams – just one of many floating in the middle of the big blue swimming pool of life, pushed around by the waves from the wind or splashes from the entrance of other swimmers.  Sometimes totally disrupted by unruly people, sometimes allowed to carry on their way and finally reach the end as i eventually did.  But before they do, they still float about and they are small things in the swimming pool, just a drop of water or a lone swimmer.

But as a lone swimmer in the swimming pool is, they are unable to reach both the beginning and the end, and must travel over time and space to reach the end, where they will be realized.  You can possibly form a human chain (or a dream chain, as we are in the figurative here) and touch end to end of the swimming pool, but it takes considerable effort for each one and a significant number of people.  I only have a handful who are close and share my dreams; and i dare say we can only reach a third or less of the “pool”.

So my dreams continue to float….and they seem so small.

But one day they will reach.  I believe they will.  And even if they don’t i would have covered a little bit more distance in reaching it.  Maybe someone would continue from there, maybe not.  But i refuse to let something like that dash my dreams.  My dreams are for me to “swim” toward, for me to reach the end, and no one can blame me for trying.

One day perhaps i’ll touch the “end” and feel the “sun” upon my face, then end my “swim” and get out of the “pool”…but that someday is not today.

Today i “swim”.

And so i swam.

Good Morning

6.45am now and i haven’t slept.  A light mist hangs over whatever grass there is surrounding my block, and it looks serene, nearly peaceful.


In addition to the one that ate a bug outside my room (and thankfully so) while looking extremely cute, i keep seeing squirrels around, especially in my dreams.

I’d be seeing myself do work in a normal setting and the squirrel head would just pop up from a crevice, usually one with a lot of wires, and then look at me.  The me in the dream would get a shock, then the dream would end, leaving me with two thoughts in my dazed-i-just-woke-up state:

One, what’s with all the squirrels?

Two, do squirrels chew through wires the same way rabbits do?

I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.
  – Thomas Jefferson

The more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems afterwards.
  – Arthur Koestler

A witty saying proves nothing.
  – Voltaire

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, “Where have I gone wrong?” Then a voice says to me, “This is going to take more than one night.”
  – Charles M. Schulz


Random: did you know that if you rearrange the letters in “Sparta” you can get “pratas”?

That being said, God of War: Chains of Olympus is out on PSP! And there are so many other games that are going to be released soon that i’d enjoy…

I’m also pining for a PS3, to play a specific selection of games that i already have in mind XD

Two Quotes for Today

A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices.
  – William James


Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them.
  – Samuel Butler


Sometimes i just wonder, what the *&^%$#@ am i doing.  And why, for that matter.

I was going to blog about such a frustrating day even though only half the day has passed.  More mishaps and unpleasant occurrences have happened in the last few hours than i can imagine, and i think it has something to do that it’s the eve of the eve of chinese new year and everyone is just trying to be a jerk so that they can avoid work or whatever.

My frustration led me to read some well-known entertaining blogs of people i do not personally know, but still read their blogs regularly, and found this: Top 10 Things To Tell Yourself When You’re Stressed & Frustrated. (Courtesty of CowboyCaleb)

Still, i don’t understand why people have to be such asswipes.  The more i look at my msn list, the lonelier i feel because there really are only a few people i turn to and who bother to listen to me.


This is in response to a comment given by a friend that Singaporean girls seem to be going to angmohs more often these days, instead of hooking up with Singaporean guys.

(Note: this post is not to be taken in all absolute seriousness, though in my opinion some thing can be learnt, not necessarily in direct application to this area)

Haha i think the majority of the Singaporean guys are wusses, i can’t blame the girls!

Guys who are reading this and fall into the category of Pink IC holders, listen to me: it is not impressive to stare at a girl and when she looks at you, to look away and pretend that you weren’t staring.

It’s really funny that those of you who do that only dare to look at them when they’re not looking at you.  I can think of a few reasons why you’d want to stare at them.

1) The girl is actually quite pretty (to your tastes).  I had to add the “tastes” bit because i know of people whose tastes are a little dubious. XD  But hey, if you look at her and she knows you’re looking at her, isn’t it a compliment?  Of course unless she looks back at you with a “i’ll kill you if you ever so much as glance in my direction” look, in which i still say don’t pretend you didn’t; if you want to look, at least have the guts to admit you were looking.

2) You have the hots for that girl.  This is even better: if you really like the girl and therefore look at her from a distance, why on earth would you want to look away when she tried to meet your gaze?  I would understand being shy, but hey, that’s a chance for you to acknowledge her response with a wave and a smile!  Who knows, you might just get her attention and something might spark off? Is that enough initiative for you people?

3) She’s wearing/looks like something ugly/too revealing/etc.  In this case, i don’t understand why you’d want to stare in the first place, so i can’t help you. XD

Have you seen what happens when angmohs stare at girl whom they deem are pretty?  They return their gaze, give a smile and wave back.  Then however the girl reacts from that, you can tell whether she’s interested in being friends, etc. Besides, most of them actually know you’re staring so if you look away when she’s trying to meet your gaze, it just says you’re not man enough to admit what you were doing.  So if you want to stare, stare; have enough guts to admit that you’re staring because of any of the reasons above or any not included.

And woe to those out there who already have girlfriends and are staring: you guys deserve to get your eyes poked out by sporks.

Insomnia Again

It’s 3:30am and i can’t sleep, despite having exerted myself shooting handball earlier on.  I have a lot of thoughts on the church and Christians today that keep running in my head and part of me is very bothered by them as they are not very favourable in my opinion.

There are many things i’ve seen, though i don’t profess to have seen everything, and i believe i know enough to make my own conclusions, but i think at certain point of time you realize that how one deals with things cannot be the same since it’s not working.

I’ve blogged about it before, how i see and feel that many Christians today, both chronologically young and old, do not think about their faith and remain childishly naive.  It sometimes feels to me that they absorb mindlessly like lemmings, without questioning the actual intention, text and context of what is being said.  Worse still, there is practicing of selective listening and want to compartmentalize God in a certain area of their lives.  I do not understand how people can do such things, and perhaps being a thinker in my own right, i never will.  Dependence on God is good, but consistent blind faith isn’t; moreover there’s a difference between dependence on God and dependence on chance, in the sense that things that cannot be controlled.

I keep feeling that something simply must be done about it, but who am i? I’m as sinful as the next person, a hypocrite no less. 

Brothers and Sisters reading this: keep me in prayer.  I do not know what plans God has for me in this matter, but i’m sure that if this is something that He has planted then He will give me His plan when i need it, and the strength along with it as well.

In other news, i’ve been eyeing a few wireless headphones recently and i’ve narrowed it down to the Endigo Bluetooth Headphones (with dongle) and the Creative ones.  The latter costs more and has more reviews, but the former is pretty unknown in most places, though it seems reliable.  If there’s anyone with any feedback on either one or on wireless bluetooth headphones in general, please do leave a comment.

It’s 3.50am now, and i’m still wide awake.